Saturday, May 23, 2015

freedom, at last

I. am. finally. free. And boy, does it feel good!!!

Currently, I am writing from good 'ol Plano. I'm visiting home for a couple of days before I begin my Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (eep!). I have already started analyzing some data for my PI and going into the lab for data collections, but the fellowship officially starts on June 1. To say that I am excited is a total understatement..

Other than that, I am currently working on medical school applications. It's a totally nerve-wracking and anxiety ridden process, but I am so excited to (hopefully) see some results from what I've been working on in the last three and a half years. Anyways, here's what I wore out to dinner with the pham/fam. I'm obsessed with this dress for really one major reason: it is so comfortable. So so comfortable. So so so so so so comfortable. I mean pajama wearing comfortable. Yep. It's 100% greatness and 150% comfort. Clearly, comfort is of utmost importance here..

Thursday, January 2, 2014

So I'm not really sure what compelled me to start a public blog. But, here I am.

I'm Robin. I'm twenty years old (or young - however you want to look at it). Currently studying biology (pre-med) at the University of Houston. I like science. A lot. Maybe even more than like. I want to be a doctor someday. It's a ridiculous, crazy, an are-you-out-of-your-mind field, but I honestly cannot imagine myself doing anything else.

If I had to describe my current state of being I would be a healthy (choice word debatable) mixture of craziness, regular meltdowns, hyperactivity, and organic chemistry. Pretty much sums it up.